Preparing ProPresenter

Most Sundays, the main elements of the service are put into a ProPresenter playlist in advance. So you just need to synchronise your computer with the pre-prepared playlist, and check if there are any last minute changes to make.

Once the computer has started up, wait for Dropbox to finish syncing. This might take some time, but it’s essential to avoid ProPresenter issues later on.

  • When Dropbox has finished syncing, its icon looks like this

Launch ProPresenter:

  • Click menu: ProPresenter | Preferences | Sync
  • check the boxes are ticked exactly as in the image below, then click “Sync” bottom-right
Check the boxes are ticked exactly as above

The sync might take several minutes. When it’s finished, the listing of files will stop at the bottom of the box. You can now close the preferences box. Note that you won’t get any message to tell you that sync has finished.

You will now have a playlist for today’s date (in the format yymmdd) in the relevant folder (either “DIDSBURY / Sundays” or “CHEADLE HULME”

  • on Mac, the sync may be quite fast, but ProPresenter will then need to update its index of the library. This can be quite slow. So, after a sync in which a lot has changed, you may find that ProPresenter keeps taking you back to viewing the Library whether you want it to or not. Don’t worry – once it’s finished indexing, you’ll be able to get on as normal. [This is a known bug on Mac and may get fixed in future]

You can make any changes you like to the playlist once you’ve synced it down from our Dropbox – this won’t mess it up for anyone else using ProPresenter at another site.

When you’ve finished, there’s no need to sync “up” to the store, unless there’s something you particularly want to be able to re-use somewhere else. If that’s the case, it might be better to select the relevant playlist and use “File | Export” instead.

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